April 27, 2004
If it strikes out like a duck
I start to poke around what Kevin Drum calls "the great progressive religion debate," and the first link I follow is to Patrick Nielsen Hayden's comment:
�Really, I just think people ought to be more or less decent to one another, or failing that, entertaining about it. I am by temperament a promoter of coalitions and alliances, and in that persona I wince when I see potential allies grinding their heels into one another�s toes.�
Unfortunately, at that point I notice the following Commonplace in the righthand column, immediately adjacent to the above quote in my browser (but otherwise, as far as I can tell, unrelated):
�People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war, or before an election.� (Otto von Bismarck)
And I get completely distracted from the topic at hand. �Dude, Cheney's three for three.�
Of course, that may be why it's in the column, but hey, I'm easily amused.
Posted by Brenden at April 27, 2004 10:02 PMComments
Of course, in the same paragraph, I noted that I'm also an aesthete for a living, and that this sometimes pulls me in rather different directions.
Posted by: Patrick Nielsen Hayden at April 28, 2004 7:12 AMPost a comment
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